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With a Job Alert from LogIQ, you will be notified instantly of the latest job openings.
You create a Job Alert in 3 easy steps:
1. Use filters to determine the type of job posting you want to receive.
2. Enter the e-mail address where you want to receive vacancies.
3. Confirm your Job Alert by clicking on the activation link we send you.
4. Optional: sit back and watch the jobs we select for you come in.
Sounds logical, right?
That’s how LogIQ moves you forward.
Not found a suitable jobyet? Do LogIQ's Jobscan.
LogIQ helps you move forward. If you fill out our Job Scan, we’ll know exactly what you’re looking for. Easily and quickly, our staff will find a job that really suits you. Not found a suitable job yet?
Find your ideal job with our Job Scan.